Nanotechnology, Energy and Space
Second International Symposium
Chernogolovka, August 3-5, 2011
The series of International Symposia on Nanotechnology, Energy and Space (NES) is jointly organized
by the
Institute of Semiconductor Physics,
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences (ISP SB RAS) and the
Center for Advanced Materials
(CAM) at the University of Houston.
The symposia address research and development in the intersection of nanotechnology, energy and space.
Specific topics for presentation and discussion will focus on the application of nanotechnology
to the solution of materials challenges in the areas of energy harvesting, energy transmission and energy utilization,
both in the terrestrial and space environments.
The main topics are include:
Nanotechnology impacts on the utilization of space;
Vacuum Gas Dynamics, Molecular Beams and Molecular Collisions;
Space Vehicles Aerodynamics;
Generation of ultra-high vacuum in low earth orbit space;
Development of vacuum solutions for the solar industry (wafer-based and thin film technology);
Nanostructured solar cells;
Solar cells for space applications;
Nano-fuel cell concept;
Nanostructured energy transmission;
Energy storage with nanostructures;
Space applications of nanostructured energy concepts;
Progress in III-V and GeSi quantum dot solar cells.
The NES-2011 Symposium will be held August 3-5, 2011 at the town of Chernogolovka near Moscow, Russia
on the base of the
Institute of Microelectronics Technology
of Russian Academy of Sciences (IMT RAS),
the top-ranked institute in the field of micro- and nanoelectronics in Russia.
The NES-2011 Symposium succeeds the highly successful
First NES Symposium
held in Houston, Texas in 2009 and is intended to be an open discussion,
highly interactive meeting with Plenary Lectures supported by Contributed Presentations.
abstract submission
is July 11, 2011.