Table data used in the X-ray Optics Calculator
These table lists several important properties of the elements. Data were taken mostly from X-ray data booklet, January 2001, LBL, University of California. [this reference refers to : D.R.Lide, Ed. CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 80th ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1999]
- Atomic weights apply to elements as they exist naturally on earth.
- Densities for solids and liquds are given at 20°C; densities for gaseous elements are given for liquids at their boiling points.
- Specific heat and thermal conductivity are given for the elements at 25°C and a pressure of 100 kPa.
These table lists chemical formula and density for several compound materials. The data is taken from the Center for X-Ray Optics at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Characteristic lines
These table lists several important characteristic lines of X-Ray emission in hard X-Ray range (5 - 30 keV).
Values are given from J.A.Bearden, "X-Ray Wavelengths", Review of Modern Physics, 39 1967.
Wavelength and photon energy relationship:
Wavelength (Å) * Energy (keV) = 12.39842