X-Ray Optics Calculator

Fresnel Optics

1-st Fresnel zone radius

  • Radius of the first (central) zone R1
           R1 = (F*λ)1/2
  • Focal distance F of the Fresnel lens
           F = R1*R1

Fresnel Zone Plate

The calculation of Fresnel Zone Plate parameters is based on the formulae from
A.Michett "Optical Systems for Soft X-Rays", Plenum Press New York, 1986.
Relative fabrication error is the ratio of fabricated and theoretical widths of processed (etching, deposition etc) zones.

Composite Fresnel Zone Plate

It is assumed that Composite Fresnel Zone Plate consists of even and odd zones made of different materials (like so-called "roulette" zone plate).
The calculation of Composite Fresnel Zone Plate parameters is based on the same formulae as for Fresnel Zone Plate.

Serguei Kuznetsov , IMT RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia.