Organizing Committee

Important Dates
Contact Address
Visa Application
Conference organizers















Dear Sir/Madam, we are glad to inform you about the Conference "Electron beam technologies and X-ray Optics in Microelectronics", organized by Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials  RAS (IMT RAS) Chernogolovka and "Mikron" óompany Moscow, Zelenograd,  which will be held in Chernogolovka (Moscow district) from September 13-17, 2021


List of sections  

Section 1. Diagnostics of semiconductor materials and structures.

Section 2. Characterization of materials and structures by TEM and SEM methods.

Section 3. Scanning probe microscopy and probe nanolithography.

Section 4. Electron beam and ion beam lithography.

Section 5. Electron beam technologies in microelectronics.

Section 6. X-ray crystal optics.

Section 7. Multi-layer optics for the X-ray and extreme ultraviolet range.

Section 8. Application of X-ray optics for the study of micro-and nanostructures.

Section 9. X-ray microscopy and tomography.

Section 10. New methods for studying micro-and nanostructures using synchrotron
                and laboratory X-ray sources.


The Conference will be devoted to the analysis of the state of research and development in the field of electron and ion-beam technologies and their applications in lithography, surface nanostructuring and the production of materials for micro- and nanoelectronics. Questions of application of methods of electronic, X-ray and probe microscopy for the analysis of materials and structures of electronic equipment will also be considered. It is supposed to hear reports about new research and development carried out in the laboratories of institutes of the RAS and higher educational institutions, and discuss the problems of diagnostics of materials and structures facing scientists and engineers working in the electronics industry.


Conference program will be published later (pdf)



Organizing Committee Conference 2021:


     Krasnikov G.Ya. - Academician of the RAS, "Micron", Moscow, Zelenograd - the cochairman
     Roshchupkin D.V.
- Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, IMT RAS, Chernogolovka

                  - the cochairman

Gornev Ye.S. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, "Micron", Moscow, Zelenograd

                  - the deputy chairman

Irzhak D. V.  - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, IMT RAS,
               Chernogolovka the Scientific Secretary


     Kazmiruk V.V. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, IMT RAS, Chernogolovka

     Kazmiruk L.A - IMT RAS, Chernogolovka

     Osipov N.A. - IMT RAS, Chernogolovka

     Telminov O. A. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, "Micron", Moscow, Zelenograd

Program committee:

Yakimov E.B. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, IMT RAS, Chernogolovka
                - the chairman

Bushuev V. A. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences,
                  Moscow State University
(MSU), Moscow - the deputy chairman

Nikolaychik V.I. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, IMT RAS, Chernogolovka
                - the
deputy chairman


Aronin A.S. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Institute of solid state
              physics RAS, Chernogolovka

Borgart N.I. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, National Research University
              of Electronic Technology
, Zelenograd  

Knyazev M.A. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, IMT RAS, Chernogolovka

Maltsev P.P. - Doctor of Technical Sciences, ISVCPE RAS, Moscow

Rudenko K. V. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, FTIAN, Moscow

Tolstikhina A.L. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Federal Research
                   Center "Crystallography and Photonics" of the RAS,Moscow

Local Committee:

     Kazmiruk V.V. - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, IMT RAS, Chernogolovka
     - the chairman


    Korotitskiy V.I. - IMT RAS, Chernogolovka

    Osipova G.Yu. - IMT RAS, Chernogolovka

    Savitskaya T.N. - IMT RAS, Chernogolovka

    Frolova O.A - IMT RAS, Chernogolovka

    Kurganov.I.G. - IMT RAS, Chernogolovka

    Podkopaev A.A - IIMT RAS, Chernogolovka

    Kozlov A.V. - IMT RAS, Chernogolovka

    Chichagova R.I. - IMT RAS, Chernogolovka




Conference "Electron beam technologies and X-ray Optics in Microelectronics" will be held in Chernogolovka (Moscow district), Akademika Osip'yana street, Building 6 (142432, Akademika Osip'yana str., bldg. 6, Chernogolovka, Moscow district, the Russian Federation).

Chernogolovka -
one of the scientific centers of Russia. Located 55 km from Moscow.




To prepare abstracts, you can use this template.


Please send abstracts of your scientific report  by mail giza@ipmt.ru (not by Fax). 

Attention!  Deadline for abstracts: 30 April , 2021



The information will be announced later.


If you are going to participate in the Conference, please, fill in the registration form.


Hotels in the city of Chernogolovka. You should book a room on their own

Important Dates:


Registration starts on 1 March , 2021.
The deadline for the acceptance of abstracts is 30
April , 2021.

Contact Address:


V.V. Kazmiruk  

E-mail: kazmiruk@iptm.ru  


Visa Application


Dear colleagues, the Organizing committee does not apply for visas.

Conference organizers   



Institute of Microelectronics Technology
and High Purity Materials  Russian academy of scinceChernogolovka  
  "Mikron" óompany Moscow, Zelenograd




Sponsor Conference 2021



For problems, suggestions, or questions, please contact: 


Dr. V.V. Kazmiruk

L.A. Kazmiruk

Moscow district, 
142432, Russia  

Moscow district, 
142432, Russia  


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Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials  RAS
Last updated: 02.03.21